It can be argued that biotics are the closest players to casting spells in the Massive effect universe. While there is no magic in Massive effect, Biotics share many of their abilities with era of the dragon kind of magician. They both have a single glowing “eye,” both have tilted heads, and both creatures share similar physiques. The Shadow demons, who appear particularly in Dragon age 2 Y Dragon Age: Inquisition, bear a striking resemblance to Massive effectGeth. This Easter Egg is more speculative, but it helped cement fan theories that era of the dragon Y Massive effect they take place in the same universe.

It has since been revealed that the surface of Klendagon is simply a mirror image of Mars, which may explain the similarity.

According to era of the dragon history, Thedas has two moons, which may explain why the moon in Dragon Age: Inquisition does not have the same appearance as Klendagon and that of Dragon Age: Origins. Klendagon also looks a lot like the moon of Thedas as seen in the camp and Ostagar in Dragon Age: Origins. It carries a deep ravine near its center. One of the tasks Shepard receives on how to deal with a biotic cult led by a former Alliance commander takes place on the Klendagon moon, giving players an excellent view of the planet. On era of the dragon, the Maker is the main deity for those who believe in the Chapel.ĭuring space exploration in Massive effect, Shepard will see Klendagon twice.

Upon being rescued, the scientist says, “Thank the Maker.” era of the dragon Fans will know this expression well, as many people throughout the series use the expression.

While exploring the devastated colony on Eden Prime in Massive effect, Shepard, Kaidan and Ashley meet a scientist and his assistant hiding in one of the small buildings.